PRI chooses Osorio Chong as Senate Leader; he thanks "support and trust"


  Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong (center) with PRI President Claudia Ruiz Massieu yesterday in a parliamentary meeting. Photo: Special
Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong (center) with PRI President Claudia Ruiz Massieu yesterday at a parliamentary meeting. Photo: Special

P or consensus among the 13 elected senators of the PRI, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong will be coordinator of the tricolor bench in the Senate of the Republic after concluding the process of Selection

The first to report the result of the election was Manuel Añorve elected legislator for Guerrero : "It is Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong who was also our coordinator in the campaign of José Antonio Meade .He has the clothes and the experience to coordinate this parliamentary group, and c & c. Was also a unanimous decision of the members, and personally, I am satisfied, like everyone else, because it is a man who managed the policy of the government, relations with political parties other than ours and we are going to team up to make the big agreements that the country needs ",

Then, the Yucatec Jorge Carlos Ramirez Marín He underlined that the goal is to strengthen the internal unit of the bench which has an extraordinary quality and especially to work on the strategy to follow.

"We have established a consensus and, without a doubt, nowadays this possibility, the strategy of us, it should be directed by Miguel Osorio and so we have accepted.In the coming days we will surely work on the complete profile of the bench, which we will present in matters of finance We will reach the constitution of Senate absolutely complete. "

  • The Dato: The ext. of ] Segob pointed out that in the next government the Senate will play a strategic role

Senator elected by Yucatán said that any legislator would have a very great honor in coordinating a group with such distinguished and talented people, but the main thing, he said, is to follow the strategy. In this regard, he argued that the best profile for directing coordination in the Upper House is that of Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong because he has political talent and has great ability. For its part, Osorio Chong pointed out that the strength of the bench is based on the experience of its legislators and ensured; "We will be a firm and responsible opposition, which will work very closely with society and with loyalty to the institutions" while thanking the support of his colleagues of the next legislature for their trust and good wishes:

During the meeting, future senators laid the groundwork for the legislative program on which the bench will operate, which include, inter alia: the fight against inequalities; the defense of the federal pact; the consolidation of National Anti-Corruption System ; the promotion of sound public finances and the defense of the sovereignty and dignity of Mexicans in United States . Among the future lawmakers are: Carlos Aceves del Olmo, Claudia Anaya, Manuel Añorve, Eruviel Ávila, Sylvana Beltrones, Beatriz Paredes, Jorge Carlos Ramirez, Vanessa Rubio and Claudia Ruiz Massieu


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