Prison without bail and 5 counts of murder at the newspaper's attacker


Washington – The Office of the Prosecutor today laid five counts of murder against Jarrod Ramos charged with shooting Thursday in a newspaper of Annapolis (Maryland, USA) where he allegedly killed five people and is held in prison "without bail" .

For the time being, according to court documents, Ramos must answer for the murder of five people, although it is not excluded that new charges will be laid to the charge since, in addition to the deceased, three other people had to receive medical attention because of the shooting.

Ramos, 38, will not be sentenced to death, since Maryland abolished that punishment in 2013, so if he is found guilty, he will receive a life sentence of .

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Currently, the suspect is found "under arrest and without bail" the Maryland Attorney, Wes Adams, announced today that he must suffer " a preliminary hearing or appear before a jury for a maximum of 30 days. "

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Ramos was arrested at the scene, minutes after allegedly began shooting in the newspaper Capital Gazzete.

The attacker entered the press building around 14:30 (0630 GMT) and opened fire through the glass door of an office killing five people.

Police arrested Ramos in the newsroom, where he was hiding under a table, and said he acted for "revenge" ]

The defendant lost in 2015 a defamation suit filed against the Capital Gazette for a 2011 article, in which, citing court documents, the newspaper identified him as a stalker of

women on social media.

Anne Arundel County Police Chief, Timothy Altomare, said today that Ramos had used a shotgun legally purchased a year ago while he had a criminal record.

He also said that he was trying to kill "all people possible"

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So far, Ramos refuses to cooperate with the authorities, said Altomare, who explained that the authorities yesterday ransacked the home of the alleged murderer outside of Washington and found evidence that the attack had been planned.

] For its part, the Capital Gazette today published its daily edition on paper with the opinion section in white, with only a small text in the honor of the five deceased, identified like Gerald Fischman, Rob Hiaasen, John McNamara, Rebecca Smith, all reporters, and sales agent Wendi Winters.

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"Today we are speechless We voluntarily leave this blank page to commemorate the victims of the shooting of Thursday in our newsroom (…) Tomorrow this page will return to its constant objective of offering to our readers an enlightened opinion on the "

On its cover, the newspaper published five photographs of the workers who died yesterday in the attack, with the title" 5 shot dead in the capital ".

US President Donald Trump today condemned the shooting and argued that journalists should be able to perform their work "without fear of a violent attack".

Victims of the press firing. AP

"Journalists, like any other American, should be able to do their job freely without fearing a violent attack," the president told the White House.

President characterized the attack as "horrible" continue to work to reduce gun violence in the United States

"My Government will not rest until it n & # 39; It will not reduce violent crime to protect the lives of the innocent, "said Trump.

The Committee for the Protection of Journalists expressed its consternation at this event, while the Inter-American Press Association urged to "update security protocols" in the newsroom.

In this note:

  • United States
  • US Newspaper Shooting
  • US Shooting

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