Production and export of heavy vehicles increase in April


Notimex / The Voz of Michoacan

Mexico. In April of this year, the National Association of Producers of Buses, Trucks and Tractors (ANPACT) reported an increase in production of heavy vehicles by 4.7 percent compared to the same month last year .

In a statement, he explained that in the fourth month of the year, the manufacture of heavy units in Mexico rose to 12 thousand 238 and the export at 10 thousand 411 units, representing an increase of 21.5% over April 2017

compared with the accumulation, in the first half of the year, the agency has pointed out that production recorded a total of 48 thousand 660 units, or five thousand 777 more vehicles compared to the same period of 2017.

He stated that cumulative exports increased by 30.4 percent and reached a total of 41 thousand 731 units compared to 2017, although these figures are 29% lower than those exported in 2015.

The Executive President of the ANPACT, Miguel Eliza lde, said: "Although the export market shows a slight recovery, it is necessary to stimulate the domestic market in a decisive way e by fleet renewal, and work to solve the structural problem that is in trucking. 19659002] He commented that "the new administration will face major challenges that must be addressed since the transition period and offer its fullest collaboration as a strategic ally to achieve comprehensive solutions for the future. heavy-duty vehicle industry that benefits all Mexicans. " that "ANPACT will continue to promote a comprehensive solution that includes: green incentives, attractive financing schemes, professionalization of the carrier, an updated regulatory framework and regulatory oversight."

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