Products containing soy would increase the risk of cancer


Soy products increase cancer risk

Soy products increase cancer risk


The soy It is usually presented as a healthy protein alternative for people who prefer not to eat meat. However, the results of the investigations The effects of soy on reducing the risk of cancer are varied, especially in breast cancer cases.

According to a North American NGO against breast cancer, Breastcancer, soy products They have similar properties to estrogen and therefore have more and more worries a potential increase in the risk of breast cancer due to their consumption. Therefore, it is feared that high levels of estrogen will promote the growth and spread of cancer cells, although this remains controversial.

In particular, they are the isoflavones the soy component that has similar properties to estrogen. According to Breastcancer, it is unclear whether soy isoflavones affect breast cancer, especially hormone receptors positive for breast cancer.

Isoflavones can affect the ability of hormone therapy to do its job if the two molecules compete to enter the same estrogen receptors. If isoflavones send a lower estrogen signal to the receptor than tamoxifen (and body estrogens), isoflavones may be able to reduce the growth of estrogen-dependent breast cells. However, if isoflavones send a stronger estrogen signal to breast cells than tamoxifen, a problem arises, "he adds.

Until the panoramaa lot doctors recommend that women who receive hormone or who are diagnosed with Cancer Breast-positive estrogen receptors avoid soy supplements because they contain high concentrations of isoflavones. However, consider that moderate amounts of soy products can be consumed as part of a balanced diet.

In an interview with Infosalus, Jordina Casademunt, a nutrition specialist specializing in oncology at the IOB Institute of Oncology, points out that one of the most common doubts about hormone-sensitive breast cancer is whether soybeans can be consumed because this legume is rich in protein. isoflavones, phytoestrogens that have a structure similar to that of endogenous estrogens but a lower activity than that of estrogen produced by the body.

Some studies in animals have shown that soy components (genistein, a type of isoflavone) can increase the positive estrogen receptor (ER +) and promote tumor growth. But, on the other hand, it has been found that mice metabolize phytoestrogens like genistein differently from us. Gesnistein has been found to bind more easily to a type of estrogen receptor that inhibits tumor growth (ER-beta), "say nutrition experts for cancer patients.

It has also been found that it depends on our intestinal health (if we have the bacteria that produce equol), we can ferment the soy compounds into biologically active forms beneficial to health. "The latest studies show that, depending on your intestinal microbiota, you can metabolize this soybean well and that it is healthy for you, protective breast cancer, or that you do not have that ability to make those metabolites." healthy and that your consumption would not be recommended. "he adds.

US recommendations for soy consumption in breast cancer suggest low but daily doses. "It is not a problem food in itself, nor a food of our region, so its consumption once or twice a week has a low incidence and has no impact.

He cites in particular British Cancer Research and the American Cancer Society, which indicate that research has shown that moderate consumption of soy-based products appears to be safe. Instead, it is recommended to avoid concentrated soy products as supplements, foods based on soy protein isolate.

The recommendations that have been observed are safe for health: 1 to 2 servings of soy products, such as tofu, edamame and tempeh, per day. Although the best forms (or the ones I would recommend are the fermented forms: miso, tempeh, tamari), "he says.


For a sick woman or when it's about preventing hormone-dependent breast cancer, it's also obvious that exercise has the most positive impact because it's not a problem. is in adipose tissue where accumulate estrogen. "Exercising and promoting a healthy weight is more interesting than knowing whether soy is eaten or not." The impact of this weight on breast cancer prevention is more important ", he insists.

In his opinion, what really matters for breast cancer is the global diet and its weight. "Having adequate weight (avoiding overweight), exercising, eating vegetables and fruits every day and reducing red meat consumption can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 22%. Metabolic syndrome is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and other types of cancer, "says the specialist at the Institute of Oncology at BIO.

With EuropaPress information


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