Progress affected by rains in the temples damaged by the earthquake


PUEBLA.- The rains have affected the temples more Last year, they recorded the damage caused by the earthquake, despite the laying of tarpaulins on these sites, said the Archbishop of Puebla, Víctor Sánchez Espinosa.

According to, in an interview, after officiating Sunday Mass, he stressed that the paintings and the altarpieces are damaged, as well as the decorations, especially in the region of Mixteca, where they did not intervene.

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"Rain produces more weight in the canvasjust as it damages the interior of temples and domes. The National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) has given canvases, but the wind and air take them out and there is moisture, a- he explained.

Víctor Sánchez said that these conditions are present in Izúcar de Matamoros, Atlixco, Chiautla de Tapia and Chietla.

Communities are a bit desperate, due to the fact that the affected temples did not intervene, while in some cases the work began, but they were then suspended because there were no resources for construction companies, a- he declared.

Pope resigns priest for the "good of the Church"

Pope Francis expelled from the clerical state the controversial Chilean priest Fernando Karadima, who was the center of a scandal for sexual abusereported the Vatican Friday.

"The Holy Father made this exceptional decision in conscience and for the good of the Church"Says a brief statement.

Karadima was removed from office a few years ago after being convicted of juvenile abuse, although he managed to avoid to be prosecuted for justice Chilean

The declaration states that the Holy Father exercised his "ordinary protest, which is supreme, complete, immediate and universal in the Church", in accordance with the Code of Canon Law.

The decree signed by the Pope on Thursday 27 September 2018 came into force automatically from that moment and also provides for the dispensation of all writing obligations.

Karadima Fariña has been notified this Friday. In this way, the pope reduced the secular state to Karadima, condemned in 2011 by the canonical justice to a sentence of criminal imprisonment and criminal imprisonment. rapes and sexual abuse to minors and ramifications of the case.

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