Prohibition Will not Affect Firms




dim. 1 Jul 2018, 4:03

7 of 12

Surveillance. Inspection staff will conduct verification visits.


El Siglo de Durango

Although this destination consolidated the tourist vocation, the Mayor of Nombre de Dios, Juan Fernando Solís Ríos, assured that he has not received any complaints from the commercial sector regarding the provisions of the Prohibition, which came into effect this Saturday from the first hour.

"For a day I do not think it affects us much, anyway the food that visitors buy is still selling, food and all that, so I think it will not change much. thing one day, "he said. As the family's destination is eminently family-friendly, the sale of alcohol is not a predominant problem.

The Mayor said that since the duration of the prohibition to sell alcohol was determined, it was sent to each or the companies that have a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages a trade so that they are aware of the provisions.

In the municipality said, the staff of the Inspection Branch has no complaints and has not detected any point in which the sale of alcohol could take place, has considered clandestine windows, reason why it will concentrate at the end of this week watching the formal points of sale of alcohol.

He assured that in previous lawsuits, the mayor has not had any problem to enforce the provisions of the prohibition law, so that they see no reason for it. Warning in one of the 34 communities that make up the municipality, despite which it will seek to cover the larger territory for verification.

to the monitoring operation, in addition to civilian and military elements participating in the monitoring work, the City Council will make available to the municipal election of public security.

The municipal police said "that they will monitor the electoral committee of the IEPC (Electoral Institute and Citizen Participation) and will manufacture their corresponding logs."

Among other things, the elements will monitor the provisions of the prohibition law in the municipality are not violated by the institutions.

In addition to items that the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), the Attorney General's Office (FGE) and the Federal Police provide, this Friday, the commander of the tenth region reported that There would be 300 reaction elements.


The ban on the sale of alcohol throughout the state will apply.



Municipal police personnel will support.



Military personnel participate in the reaction operation.

El Siglo of Durango

Surveillance. Inspection staff will conduct verification rounds


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