Prostate cancer, the leading fatal diseases in humans


MEXICO.- In Mexico, it is estimated that every day 15 men die of prostate cancerAs a result, the alliance uniting against prostate cancer seeks to promote a national strategy to fight this cancer.

Oncologist Samuel Rivera said that this condition was one of the first types of carcinoma in men over 60, due to cancer, according to the Excelsior news portal.

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One in seven men will develop prostate cancer at some point in their lives. In addition, seven out of ten detect it at an advanced stage, "said the former president of the Mexican Society of Oncology.

Given these results, the specialist stressed the importance of a diagnosis this type of cancer, as well as comprehensive patient care in the early stages.

As the disease progresses, treatments will be less effective, in addition to affecting the family economy, "he said.

Samuel Rivera said that people with a family or black background should Studies are carried out from 45 years old. For its part, people without any reference will have to do it at 50 years old.

Symptoms of prostate cancer include difficulty in urinating and reducing or overeating, which causes people to wake up more often during the night to go to the bathroom.

The expert pointed out that it was necessary to have qualified medical staff to detect the symptoms of prostate cancer, in order to to offer a better quality of life to patients.

For her part, the director of the Mexican Cancer Society, Mayra Galindo Leal, called on the company to break the paradigms surrounding men's health, given the number of deaths from prostate cancer. increase

It's time for men to take charge of their health. They deserve to have all the necessary tools to cope with their illness, "Galindo Leal said at a press conference.

He stressed that the alliance, formed by the academy, medical societies and civil society organizations, would aim to promote a national strategy to combat this situation.

Mayra Galindo mentioned that they are in contact with the health sector officials of the next government, which will be presented with the document "National strategy against prostate cancer", which will serve as a basis for an effective policy against the disease.

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