Protect your ears! It is the most common illness on vacation


During the holiday period, prevent the water from swimming pools or the beach from entering your ear, to avoid what is called "swimmer's ear" Or otitis externa characterized by a bacterial infection.

the otolaryngologist attached to the specialty hospital of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Jalisco, Roberto Fierro Rizo, urged to prevent this condition during this vacation .

"The combination of the pool or the beach, If I have the habit of scratching my ear or inserting external objects, I already suffer after 24 or 48 It is a situation that is fast moving forward, she does not sleep, it is a very important pain, it is necessary to prevent the water from entering He explained that it's Is an infection in the external auditory canal, which extends from the eardrum to the outside of the head, which is caused by the accumulation of water that is in the ear after swimming, since moisture promotes colonization and proliferation of bacteria.

If it is not treated in a timely manner, it signals that the symptoms may increase, at first there is itching in the ear canal area, discomfort to the touch or pulling the ear, and clear discharge generally odorless.

Fierro Rizo said that when the problem increases Without attention, he said, there is usually fever, more intense itching, increased pain, discharge In more severe cases, he said, there may be intense pain covering the face and / or neck, total obstruction of the ear canal, inflammation of the lymph nodes, inflammation of the lymph nodes. of the neck and the temperature increase, in these situations it is necessary to go to an emergency department to manage the symptomatology.

He mentioned that it is necessary that, or medical supervision, the patient receives antibiotic-based treatment to control and mitigate the infection and proliferation of bacteria, even with moderate symptoms.

During these holidays, the otolaryngologist recommended to monitor the children. their ears or maybe they can harbor insects inside them. Even with mild symptoms, he insisted that the doctor be consulted.

"You sleep, the insect enters, looks for a corner, and in children, it often happens to have things that can also lead to serious infections." He made reference.

Information from INFORMADOR.MX

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