Protesters face police for lack of water in Iran


Tehran. Protesters and police officers clashed in the last hours in the town of Jorramshahr, southwest of Iran and at the border of Iraq, at popular events motivated mainly by the scarcity and poor quality of water.

The demonstrations began at night on one of the main squares of the city, where at least 500 people were concentrated mainly young people, according to the official Iranian agency IRNA reported today.

Thematic. Photo: AFP.
The police tried to disperse the youth who shouted slogans against the government and demanded a solution to the problem of the quality of drinking water in the cities of Jorramshahr and Abadan, in the Khuzestan province. 19659005] During clashes, the governor of Jorramshahr and the Imam of Friday prayers appeared among the population to call for calm

IRNA did not specify when there were casualties because of the clashes, whereas c anal opponents in the social networks reported the death of two people although these data could not be confirmed independently.

In these channels, many videos of the clashes were published, in which they heard shootings and showed the fire of containers by protesters and the release of tear gas by security agents.

The population of the province of Juzestán, the richest Iran for its oil and gas reserves, lives in precarious conditions and faces problems such as sand storms from Iraq and the shortage of water and electricity.

Thematic Photo: AP.

The water hardness of the supply networks of Jorramshahr and Abadan over the past three days was six times the allowable limit for consumption.

The inhabitants of these areas criticize the fact that the Iranian authorities give water to Iraq, in particular to the city of Basra, but the local authorities have denied this assumption.

In recent months, there have been strong protests and strikes from different sectors against the authorities in many cities in Iran, motivated by the current economic crisis

This week, the Grand Bazaar of Tehran Other major shopping centers in the capital have closed due to the sharp devaluation of the local currency.

Theme. Photo: AFP.

At the end of December, protests against the high cost, which led to criticism of the Islamic Republic's system, spread throughout the country and left 25 dead and 1,000 detainees [19659014].

  • Manifestation
  • Violence
  • Iran
  • Police Officers
  • Protesters
  • Lack of Water

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