Protesters in the United States Demand Trump Better Immigration Policies


Reuters .- Thousands of people rallied Saturday in front of the White House to protest the government's immigration policy Donald Trump, who separated children from their parents on the US-Mexican border .

With protests across the country, protesters gathered in downtown Washington carrying signs and shouting "shame," while religious leaders and activists called on the government to be more welcoming of strangers and reunite separated families.

"It goes against everything we stand for as a country," said protester Paula Flores-Marques, 27, of Trump's policy.

illegally promotes crime and implemented a "zero tolerance" policy in May to prosecute all immigrants detained for illegally entering the country.

This led to the separation of more than 2,000 children from their homes. parents, causing indignation outside and inside the United States this month, even some of the Republican president's allies.

On a sensitive issue for his conservative base, Trump ordered the authorities on June 20 to detain families together.

The protesters also met in New York, Los Angeles and dozens of other US cities. In Chicago, thousands of people went to the local offices of the federal immigration authorities

. According to the organizers, some 30,000 people gathered in downtown Washington. The peaceful protest seems to have been the biggest demonstration in favor of immigration in the US capital since at least 2010, when activists lobbied President Barack Obama and Congress to reform US laws on the subject. ;immigration.

In 2017, Trump followed an increase in arrests of people suspected of being in the country illegally and his government also approves fewer visas for families.

Immigration has been rising in much of the developed world for decades, causing political problems in recent years in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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