Puerto Rico, on alert for Hurricane "Beryl"


Hurricane "Beryl" registered a slight weakening on Friday night with winds of up to 120 kilometers per hour (kmph), and this Saturday it goes to the Lesser Antilles, which caused an alert to Puerto Rico, still suffering the ravages of Hurricane "Maria" last year

"Beryl" placed the fragile island of Dominica under the hurricane warning and under tropical storm warning to Barbados, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin and Saint Barthelemy, announced the National Hurricane Center. ) of the United States in its bulletin of 08:00 local time.

At that time "Beryl", the first hurricane of the Atlantic season of 2018, was 1,260 kilometers east of the Lesser Antilles and was moving westward at 19 km / h.

According to forecasts, the center of "Beryl" ] will approach the Lesser Antilles during this weekend and will cross the chain of islands Sunday afternoon or Monday

The CNH indicated that winds have been reduced, and that "Beryl" is approaching the Caribbean According to meteorologists, the storm is expected to dissipate after leaving the eastern islands, but the presence "Beryl" puts Puerto Rico in a state of alert, where many fear power cuts due to the fragility of the power grid in this US territory.

The National Weather Service of San Juan warned that " Beryl" is expected to dump up to 10 centimeters of rain and could

The island authorities reported Friday that [19659009] will open 424 shelters as a preventive measure and call on the population to monitor the progress of the hurricane. 19659007] A separate storm, the three tropical depressions that formed off the coast of North Carolina on Friday afternoon, is expected to turn into a tropical storm and could eventually become a hurricane, but will remain far from the east coast This Saturday morning, the depression was located 235 kilometers southeast of Cape Hateras, and should move away from the US coast erratically, but the CNH warned that the swells generated by the Depression will increase and could affect parts of North Carolina and Atlantic states this weekend.

After the early subtropical storm "Alberto", which developed at the end of May, there were no tropical storms in the Atlantic Basin in June (when the season of hurricanes begins) for the first time since 2014, according to AccuWeather.


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