"Punishment Vote" gives the majority to Morena in Congress


National Regeneration Movement (Morena) could be the big winner of the elections, as well as the Presidency is being formed to have a majority in the congressional conformation of the Union.

Although many attribute the results to the call to "vote" even "that Andrés Manuel López did, the specialists consulted by Publimetro detailed that to obtain a majority in the Chamber of Deputies and Senators is due to the fatigue of citizenship in the earlier parties that they governed.

María del Carmen Cendón, a political scientist from the University Hall felt that we should assume a critical position and know that society has voted in anger, because the PRI and the PAN have not met expectations.

The researcher INACIPE recalled that the population expects change in Mexico and that reforms Constitutionals Promised by the Flag Bearer of the Coalition Together We Will Make

"It was a revenge won because two PAN governments were not working and they raised the crime and one of the PRI has not convinced, c & # 39; was to feel disappointed by the country and think that with a change we would get better. Mé xico is full of hope and must demand to the extent that he is ready to do so. "

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INE reports that he has not received votes Manuel Quijano Torres, Academic Faculty of Science UNAM's political and social, pointed out that even if a party manages to reach Congress with a majority, it does not guarantee that it can be legislated without having to negotiate with other political expressions. [19659002"ThatthesocietyhasdecideddoesnotmeanthatthepresidentisnotmistakenandthatthisvoteofconfidenceisapunishmentforthepartiesandthepoliticalsystemandthereforeMorenamustmakehismovementapartybecauseItwasnotinstitutionalized"hesaid

He mentioned that for the constitutional changes that AMLO promised, two-thirds of the Congress and 17 congresses should be supporting the initiatives, so it should convince the minorities and create acc ords with two fundamental forces: the PRD and the PRI

"If we give order to thought, AMLO must primarily change two areas: in public administration and administrative law and could change all economic laws that are convenient to him, with the exception of those where international orders exist. "

" The vote of confidence means that we must be vigilant and defend liberties. The fact is that citizens are tired of seeing a protest congress and as a president proposes something and even if it is good, the opposition just to be opposed rejects it without assuming its historical responsibility ", he said. Amending:

  • Education Act
  • Petroleum Laws
  • Social Policy Acts
  • Social Development Act
  • Public Servants Liability Act
  • Acts of Parliament questions of public tender

Progress in the PREP

With 77% of the minutes counted, the PREP gave 210 legislators to Morena-PES-PT in the Chamber of Deputies, as well as eight others only for Morena.

the PAN-PRD-MC and the PRI-PVEM were located, which obtained just 62 and 14 seats of relative majority in the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro

According to the official results of the INE, the Lower House would remain:

  • ] 21 0 for Morena-PES-PT
  • 14 for PRI-PVEM-NA
  • 62 PAN-PRD-MC
  • 8 Morena
  • 1 PRI
  • 5 PAN

How is the Senate?

In the Upper House, the results also favor the Andrés Manuel López Obrador coalition with 46 seats and two others only for Morena.

While the second position is held by the PAN-PRD-MC with 12 seats, two more for PRI-PVEM-NA and MC, respectively.

  • 46 Morena-PES-PT
  • 12 PAN-PRD-MC
  • 2 MC
  • 2 Brunette [19659023] Most viewed in PublimetroTV ]:


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