PwC calls for extending the working life of workers


Between 2015 and 2050, it is estimated that the number of people aged 55 and over, among the 35 members of the OECD, will increase by nearly 50%, exceeding 500 million. All these people will not be part of the workforce, that's why additional training is needed.

The PwC consultant disclosed the PwC Golden Age Index study which states that research classifies and analyzes country performance. of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to promote the participation of older people in the labor force through employment and training data.

It shows that potential economic gains if employment rates of over 55s can be increased to those with the best results . The current employment rates of workers aged 55 to 64 vary considerably within this organization, from 84% in Iceland or 78% in New Zealand to 38% in Greece and 34% in Turkey.

Mexico ranks 19th. in the rankings, 63.2% of its workforce older than this age is sought to prolong their working lives.

The study points out that the impact of the increase in employment rate at the New Zealand level could be 815,000 millions of dollars in the United States 406 000 million dollars in France and 123 000 million dollars in Japan. This economic increase would be combined with significant social and health benefits for seniors, who would lead more active lives and have greater self-esteem while continuing to work.

PwC indicates that it is good news to live longer, but aging population is putting pressure on health, well-being and the pension system, and this will only increase with the weather.

"To help offset these higher costs, we believe that workers should be encouraged and supported. They will benefit GDP, consumer purchasing power and tax revenues, while improving the health and well-being of older workers by keeping them mentally and physically active. "[19659008]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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