Qiwi payment service provider launches the first cryptocurrency investment bank in Russia


Qiwi Blockchain Tehnologies (QBT) has launched a cryptocurrency investment called "HASH," reports Kommersant on June 29. QBT is a subsidiary of the leading Russian payment service provider, Qiwi.

HASH, based on a "classic investment banking model" according to Kommersant, will provide a platform for initial currency offers (ICOs). Yakov Barinsky, chief financial officer of QBT (CFO), explained that HASH "would help companies get through the fundraising phase."

According to Kommersant, HASH plans to cooperate with international funds specializing in the investment of cryptoactives. According to Barinsky, the company is already working with ten of these funds, and the largest has a business turnover of about $ 100 million.

Barinsky also said that HASH will offer crypto-commercial services starting next year. license needed. On July 1, the Russian government will approve its main regulation law on crypto-currencies and blockchain.

Founded in Moscow in 2007, Qiwi has become one of the largest online payment services in Russia, with operations mainly in Russia. Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, Romania, United States and United Arab Emirates. Recently, the company was included among the 39 international companies that partnered with the R3 consortium to test its Know Your Customer (KYC) app.

Qiwi's QBT subsidiary was launched in March 2017 with a fund of 100 million rubles ($ 1.6 million) to develop blockchain internal products.

In July 2017, Qiwi partnered with the Scream School IT Educator to open a private "Blockchain Academy," offering a one – year course. month for IT professionals focusing on the principles of the blockchain and the development of IT solutions based on it.

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