Queretaro Falls Man Wanted by US Authorities – Security and Justice – Notes


Mexico, July 14th. A people from a criminal investigation of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGR) apprehended in Queretaro for the purpose of international extradition Jesus "C", fugitive wanted by the US authorities for alleged crimes against

In a statement, it is detailed that the foregoing is derived from the cabinet and field work, where elements of the federal ministerial police, attached to the Directorate General of International Police Affairs and Interpol have complied with the law. order without resorting to violence or assignment to third parties.

He clarified that Jesus "C" is required by the Federal District Court of East Virginia to be prosecuted for his probable liability in crimes against health, operations with resources of illicit origin and 39, criminal association.

He pointed out that the subject had been detained in accordance with a request for extradition made by the United States Government of America, in accordance with the bi-national treaty on the subject. He also stated that during the detention, they respected at all times and in all respect the human rights, before the order made by a district special judge in the prison system. of the Prosecution in Mexico City.

With the foregoing, the PGR reiterated the efforts to reduce the spaces of impunity and demonstrated the conformity of the treaties signed by Mexico, as well as its commitment in the fight against crime by preventing the territory national to be a refuge for fugitives.

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