Questions to understand the 3D printing of weapons in the United States


The online download of instructions for making guns and rifles with the use of 3D printers was to start operating on August 1 in the United States, but was temporarily slowed down by a judge in the middle From the discussion on access to

Then, six key questions to understand the distribution and its possible consequences:

What is needed to print a weapon?

Defense Dispute (DD), based in Texas, which is dedicated to the development and publication of 3D printed firearms designs, received this year the authorization of the Government of President Donald Trump to share free weapons manufacturing plans on the Internet. , fact that had been restricted since the appearance in 2013 of the first functional pistol manufactured by a printer of this type.

With the plans, those who have a computer a printer, a 3D printer, a plastic and a "GhostGunner" (a device that provides the metal body of the weapon to assemble the parts), could have the weapon that they wish.

What is the difference with common weapons?

The main difference with conventional weapons is the material. Plastic makes up 80% of them and only 20% is metal. Another difference is that the prints do not have a serial number or other type of identification

Who is Cody Wilson, the father of the printed weapon?

Wilson, 30, is a student of the Law of the University of Texas who calls himself the Anarchist Market. He founded the DD organization in 2012 and created five years ago "The Liberator", a 3D printed gun whose design was removed from the Internet by order of the State Department after have been downloaded more than 100 thousand times.

What is the young man looking for?

Wilson began a fight against the North American government to carry out the "Wiki-Arma" project, which aims to extend unrestricted access to weapons. The administration of former President Barack Obama legally detained the student, arguing that access to the plans violated the gun export laws.

Although the young man obtained a federal license to legally manufacture and distribute the plastic pieces, to be able to freely publish the plans of the weapons.

After several requests to lift this restriction, DD obtained that the Trump government concluded at the end of June that employers should have permission to publish based on the second amendment of the constitution,

however , a federal judge temporarily suspended in court Tuesday the uncontrolled distribution of plans

What are you afraid of those who oppose the law?

The main fear of activists, survivors of massacres, politicians and businessmen is that with free plans on the internet, any American can access a weapon without going through an audit background and without any registration, as happens with those purchased in physical or virtual stores.

Security forces have other concerns. For example, the president of the staffs, Richard Myers, felt that "the 3D printed guns are designed to circumvent the traditional weapon detection systems."

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, was the one who was seeking success in a federal court to stop the publication of the plans while prosecutors in 20 states asked in a letter to their boss, Jeff Sessions, and state secretary, Mike Pompeo, to consider "l & rsquo; Unprecedented impact on public security "the distribution of instructions to manufacture weapons may have in the country

Is it legal in the United States to print weapons in 3D ?

Yes, in the United States it is legal to print the parts and manufacture the weapon, although the prices are too high. In fact, Wilson's organization sells "GhostGunners" kits, software and machines, in addition to plastic devices that convert semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons such as those used in the Las Vegas massacres. from Parkland. What is illegal is the distribution of instructions for its construction.



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