Quijano: Opening Darién's lid makes sense


"If there is no water, forget the fourth set of locks" of the Panama Canal; "That makes sense" of the opening of the Darien cap and "it still takes a lot of fabric to cut" in the arbitrations for the third set of locks with the Spanish Sacyr, said the road administrator, Jorge Luis Quijano.

Thus, without hesitation, Quijano summarized Acan-Efe's point of view on crucial issues for the waterway, which in fiscal year 2018 ended September 30th had recorded a 9.5% increase in tonnage ", that of the 403.8 million tons transported in 2017 reached about 442 million tons.

The project was to move 423.4 million tonnes in 2018.

In terms of revenue, the jump was "almost 5%", which would imply an increase from $ 3,037.5 million budgeted for 2018 to $ 3,189.37 million in real terms.

"We still do not know what will be the amount of the final contribution (to the state), but the board of directors decided that at the December meeting, but it will be more than the only one. last year, there will be something more, "he said.

In 2017, the contribution amounted to 1,650 million euros ($ 1,593 million budgeted). For the 2018 budget, it was already projected that it would rise to $ 1,659.2 million.

Quijano attributed this success in part "thanks to the exercise of anticipated sales to avoid falling tariffs" applied by the United States in their trade war with China.

By 2025, the construction of a fourth set of locks was considered, including Quijano, in September 2016, announced the establishment of a team to study the question, which conditioned the "demand" of the market, but already in 2014 China Harbor Engineering Company (CHEC) had expressed interest in the work.

"The fourth set of locks will depend mainly on one factor.It is water.If there is no water, forget about the fourth set of locks.The demand will be there, but we must adapt to the demand. "He said now.

"Our infrastructure is not built overnight, it took us 9 years to develop, it's not the same as every three or four months, you make a chip; The construction of a new lock will take another 8 years, "he said.

With regard to the proposed opening of the Darién catch, the only section of the road where the Pan-American Highway is interrupted on its route from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, stated that this "made sense".

The cork, on the border with Colombia, "has achieved its goal" against the spread of diseases, drug trafficking, irregular migration, so that before "thinking about opening", a plan is necessary "to prevent these anomalies and also take care of the environmental aspect.

"You are contacting a major producing country (Colombia) that could use our channel as a point of export more than its ports, which offers great potential," but "there is a trade barrier that we need to resolve for the moment, it's useless "to open the door to Colombia to use us and, however, Colombia does not give us this opportunity," he added.

Condemned that "to see it from the strictly commercial point of view gives all the meaning of the world".


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