Rafa Márquez's offer letter to his friend, football


Rafael Márquez one of the players with participations in five World Cups spoke to football as if he was a person and thanked him in a farewell letter that he shared on social networks. 19659002] "Soccer: you've given me so much that there's a lot to be done; it's impossible to run away so I'll always be bonded to you ," said the defender, who retired from football after completing the round of the last game of the 2018 World Cup in Russia where Mexico fell by 2-0 The Barcelona player between 2003 and 2010, Márquez was trained in the # Atlas and also wore the shirts of AS Monaco, the New York Red Bulls of the MLS, the Mexican Lion. and the Italian Hellas Verona.

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"I thank all the fans who have shown me their love for all these years, they are and will continue to be my motivation to continue to give my best effort, whatever I do, wherever I am, "he says.

Márquez, from 39 years says that it has been weeks since his last professional match and wanted to take the time to digest feelings

"It's been twenty-two years of career that I feel very happy to have made a lot of sacrifices, efforts, mistakes, success … I do not regret anything, because the successes and more mistakes, I learned to be better every day, to not be afraid to make mistakes and to always have the habit of giving the maximum, "he said.

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& # 39; The Kaiser & # 39; recognized having known great players in his career and sharing costumes with great human beings, some of whom I could build a beautiful friendship. "

Regarded as the best Mexican footballer in the current century, Rafael Márquez thanked the coaches who trusted their abilities, the sports press who praised him, criticized him and put pressure on him his family

"Do not waste time to do your best, always try to be your best version and put the attitude to life", he concluded.

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