Rain forecast with hailstorm in Mexico City


The region of the Valley of Mexico will experience partly cloudy skies for most of the day, with increased cloud cover in the afternoons and evenings and the risk of severe storms, reported the National Meteorological Service (NMS) )

. Precipitation accompanied by electrical activity and eventual hail in the State of Mexico and rains with showers in Mexico City.

In addition, precipitation intervals are estimated in Mexico City and the east and northeast winds. from 10 to 25 km / h

In the Mexico City a maximum temperature of 24 to 26 degrees Celsius and minimum of 12 to 14 degrees is expected.

For the state of Mexico is expected, the maximum temperature of 22 to 24 degrees and minimum of 8 to 10 degrees.


In the prognosis According to the regions, the agency dependent on the National Water Commission (Conagua) reported that the peninsula of Baja California will maintain a partly cloudy sky throughout the day

Very hot environment and fog banks on the west coast. west 20 to 35 km / h, in addition to gusts exceeding 50 km / h and possible blowers in the peninsula of Baja California

For the North Pacific, it is expected a cloudy sky in the 39; afternoon with strong storms and electric shocks in Sinaloa and rainy intervals in Sonora

In the central Pacific, a cloudy sky is expected with strong storms accompanied by electrical activity and a possible hailstorm

The South Pacific will present a cloudy sky in the afternoon with heavy storms in Chiapas. and strong in Guerrero and Oaxaca.

It is estimated that for the Gulf of Mexico the sky will be partly cloudy during the day, in the afternoon it will increase Localized and strong storms are expected in Veracruz, showers in Tabasco and isolated rains in Tamaulipas , all with electrical activity.

The Yucatan Peninsula will have a partly cloudy sky during the day, in the afternoon the cloudiness will increase and

Central Mesa predicts a partly cloudy sky during the morning with an increase in the Afternoon cloudy, a potential for strong storms accompanied by electrical activity and hail in Guanajuato, Puebla. and Morelos.

With information from the National Meteorological Service / Notimex


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