Rain has damaged 200 homes in Amazcala – AMQueretaro.com


Francisco Domínguez Servién, governor of the state, visited the area and offered his support to those affected

Gonzalo Flores

The community of Amazcala, located in the municipality of 39; El Marqués, had serious repercussions after the heavy rains. Wednesday and Thursday morning. Nearly 200 homes recorded a water inlet of up to one meter deep.

The state governor, Francisco Domínguez Servién, yesterday paid a visit to the region with state and municipal authorities to express their solidarity and support. all affected families, with whom he is committed to conducting a census through the Department of Social Development, so that they receive support and recover the household goods and appliances that they have lost during the flood.

In addition, he made the order to distribute more than a thousand sandbags in all the affected houses, to mitigate the future damage, because it is expected that the rains will continue in the region and the state.

Also, the state governor indicated that they will examine the situation of the dams of Carmen and Les Pirules, which are at 100% of their capacity, which have also been a factor for the overflows that have generated effects on homes and roads

An uprising is still in progress (assignments), but about 200 homes are affected. He overflowed the dam Del Carmen, popped a sign here in the city and unfortunately flooded those houses in which the water reached an average of one meter, "he explains.

Domínguez Servién says that the visit to Amazcala was mainly made to prevent, because the rains will continue.

Civil Protection and the National Water Commission will provide all the families and houses they need with the cost. Social Development will do a home-by-house survey to do what we did together last year in San Juan del Río and the capital to Santa María Magdalena, to make what was lost in their household goods ", was -he declares. Domínguez Servién has agreed that the state government is prepared to deal with this kind of circumstances, since there is a contingency fund of 100 million pesos, "for this reason, I tell families that They do not have any concerns, we have 200 families. "

The indication given to the Department of Social Development for door-to-door assessments at Amazcala, he said, is that people receive the necessary support.

With nature, we do not know and the rainy season ends until October. Next month will give us a truce, but the hurricane season is scheduled for September, so I'll be very careful. "

El Marqués has insurance for damages of this type, however, the governor said that the support to the affected people will be independently delivered to this insurance.

The mayor, Zoila Rocío Aguilar, has confirmed that 39 there is insurance against this type of circumstance, which applies if people are current in the payment of your property; however, as it is a contingency, it has ensured that all affected people will be supported regardless of this requirement.It confirmed that the insurance is 90 thousand pesos, so they carry out the necessary census with the affected people.

In addition, there is the presence of the army who activated the DN3 E plan to deal with the eventuality and support the area.

  • 1000 sandbags distributed in the area to prevent the entry of the In the houses
  • 100 million pesos has the fund of state government foresight
  • Carmen and Los Pirules dams, which find 100% of their capacity

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