Raining congratulations to AMLO for its advantage in the polls


Several politicians and businessmen began sending congratulatory messages to Andrés Manuel López Obrador flag bearer of the coalition "Together we will make history", for his advantage in polls.

Margarita Zavala former independent presidential candidate, wished, through her Twitter account, the success of the coalition flag government "Together We Will Make History"

Javier Lozano spokesperson for the campaign of Jose Antonio Meade, also used his account in the social network to congratulate Tabasco, underlining that if Lopez Obrador is doing well, "Mexico is doing well".

On the other hand Claudio X. González who was distinguished by López Obrador during the election campaign as the # 39, one of the businessmen behind a so-called "dirty war" against him, called for collaboration with the government carrier of the standard Morena, but also "resist that this is due. "

Members of the presidential candidate on three occasions have begun to celebrate the advantage that Lopez Obrador has in the exit polls.

Claudia Sheinbaum candidate for the head of the government of Mexico City, used her Twitter account to congratulate the next president of Mexico and the country.

Tatiana Clouthier coordinator of the AMLO campaign, posted a photo with several members of the Tabasco team, including Esteban Moctezuma, with the text "felices"

Yeidckol Polevnsky ] national leader of Morena, pointed out victory of the "Fourth Transformation" and called on supporters to attend the Zócalo in Mexico City to celebrate the triumphal victory of the party's flag bearer at 9:00 pm.

Ricardo Monreal territorial coordinator of the second constituency of Morena, supported the invitation to celebrate with López Obrador.

Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, assured that with the victory of the coalition candidate "Together we will make history" represents a new era for the history of Latin American dignity and sovereignty. "

The alliance candidate" Juntos Haremos Historia ", Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is screened as the winner of the presidential election, according to a poll conducted by El Financiero.

López Obrador has 49% of the tendencies, against the 27th of Ricardo Anaya, flag-bearer of the "Por México al Frente" coalition.

They are followed by the candidate of the coalition "Todos por México", José Antonio Meade, with 18%, and Jaime Rodríguez Calderón "el Bronco", an independent candidate, with 6%.

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