A new vulnerability in the system is hitting the Android phone market. This is RAMpage an error that allows users to access and modify private data via terminal RAM modules that send commands for reading and writing en masse .

RAMpage was discovered by a group of 8 researchers who managed to replicate this vulnerability in an LG G4 and to ensure that any phone manufactured from 2012 to today is potentially exposed the danger this error represents in the system. It's the latter, precisely, that makes vulnerability sensitive because it immediately affects millions of smartphones around the world. Here is what the developers describe:

RAMpage breaks the most basic isolation between the user applications and the operating system. While applications are generally not allowed to read data from other applications, a malicious program can create a RAMpage exploit to gain administrative control and enter secrets stored on the device.

How to protect yourself from RAMpage

of people who discovered the vulnerability states that the attack may compromise passwords, photos of people, emails, messages in applications and even the most sensitive documents stored in the terminal not being a vulnerability look aside Unfortunately, Google does not have security solution to solve this problem, although researchers have already informed the company and that this can arrive soon.

The positive fact is that has no solution. points out that these attacks occurred in a scenario beyond that performed for the demonstration test so that we do not face a security breach causing havoc among users. Despite this, it never hurts to remember that the best that we can do individually to protect against these types of vulnerabilities, more and more frequent, is to download only applications from authorized developers that do not do not endanger the security of the system.