Ratifying the arrest warrant against Gastón Azcárraga – LA PRENSA DE MONCLOVA


Federal court finally confirmed the arrest warrant against Gastón Azcárraga for hiding or giving false financial information about the bankruptcy of Mexicana de Aviación
By a unanimous vote, the three judges of the Sixth Collegiate Court Penal in Mexico City yesterday denied the protection and protection of justice to the employer, against the warrant of arrest against him for the crime of violation of the securities market law.

Ulrich Richter Morales, lawyer for the Union of Pilots Pilots of Mexico (ASPA), whistleblower of the case, reported that the decision of amparo in revision 219/2016 left in force the arrest warrant against Azcárraga, resident in New York.

Since October 2014, he has been released this arrest warrant against the former Chairman of the Board of Mexicana de Aviación and although since then the PGR has requested his extradition, the The Americans have not treated the application

The above, because the employer is subject to an immigration trial that has not been resolved to date.
Azcárraga is charged with two acts of the crime in question, one of them hides and another gives false financial information about Mexicana de Aviación on the stock exchange and its shareholders. The illegal act is not serious and ultimately he could lead the trial to freedom.
Azcárraga's defense stated that the collegial decision is contrary to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), because it refused to evaluate all the evidence presented by the defendant in his defense.

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