Ready to have fun with La Parodia [Espectáculos] – 07/16/2018


Saltillo, Coahuila .- After a long absence on television, La Parodia is back to delight the Mexican public. It will be today from 23:00 (after the news of Denise Maerker) when the program that has won millions is transmitted by The Stars.

The show features Christian Ahumada, José Eduardo Derbez, Herson Andrade, Yekaterina Kiev, Alfonso Villalpando, Juan Frese, Tamara Henaine, Fernanda Ostos, Lalo Spain, Pierre Ángelo, Reynaldo Rossano, Hugo Alcántara and Claudio Herrera, among others. In the production will be Reynaldo López.

In an interview with Zócalo, Christian Ahumada, known as the president of a thousand voices and author of the book Los Cuentos del Duende, gave details of this new project of which he is a part, and in which we will certainly see some of his many characterizations, perhaps even as elected president

"It was a wonderful experience," says the actor, about the project; He also shared that the pleasant coexistence between the team allows for greater fluidity.

"Virtually everything La Parodia complies with the Mandar Privilege (second season), we work with pure friends and acquaintances, and now that the company trusts us, it allows us to go out La Parodia," adds

From Mandar's Privilege, with Arath de la Torre, Freddy and Germán Ortega, the idea was to show the news of the political world through comedy.

"This Monday we have concluded The Mandar Privilege and the impact of the program on the networks was such that he decided to launch it on open television with the name of Parody. We do not stop practically. Thanks to the public response, we can continue with this project, so it is sure that they will also see the program. Moreover official accounts will be made so that (fans) are on the lookout, (…) it gives a direct return to people to please him, "he adds.

The show will keep the political nuance and will feed life situations every day

"It's basically a very Mexican Saturday Night Live, endowed with this mischief, this laugh so typical of us, that characterizes us as Latinos. Mexicans make fun of everything, so what better way to finish Monday than to watch a program with current topics: trend topics, gossip, memes, historical events, and the most important news in sports, shows and politics? concludes the actor.

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