"Reduce Prices Now!" • Forbes Mexico


Reuters .- US President Donald Trump again accused the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) of raising fuel prices and urged cartel members to do so. more.

"The monopoly of OPEC must remember that fuel prices are high and that they do little to help," Trump wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. "At best, prices go up even more, the United States defending many of their members for very little dollars.This must be a two-way road.WILL REDUCING PRICES NOW!"

The Republican has been criticizing the group in recent weeks. The rising price of gasoline could create political problems for the president ahead of the November parliamentary elections by countering Republican claims that federal tax cuts and cuts to Trump have contributed to support the US economy.

Last week, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, leader of OPEC, assured Trump that the kingdom could increase oil production if necessary and that the country has the right to Unused capacity of 2 million barrels. per day, which could be used to help reduce prices to offset the decline in pumping in Venezuela and Iran.

Trump complains about OPEC as Washington lobbies on its European allies to stop buying oil from Iran

Meanwhile, the governor of the US OPEC, Hossein Kazempour Ardebili, said that Trump has contributed to the increase in oil prices through their tweets, as quoted by the SHANA news agency on Thursday.

"Your tweets have increased prices by at least $ 10. Please stop this method," said Kazempour Ardebili, in remarks collected by the ministry's news agency. petrol.

The official added that Trump is trying to stir up tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia and has called on the United States to join the world powers that will meet with Iran on Friday. in Vienna

Foreign Ministers of the remaining five countries that signed a nuclear deal with Tehran in 2015 will meet with Iranian officials in Vienna to discuss how to maintain the agreement after the US leaves the pact.

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