Refreshment consumption due to decreased brain volume


CITY OF MEXICO.- Each glass of cola has the equivalent of 14 tablespoons of sugar . Since it is impossible for a person to drink this, phosphoric acid is added to neutralize the sweetener and make possible its consumption, said the expert

Soft drinks, even low in sugars , contain substances whose frequent consumption has been associated suffering The additive E 150, a cola-based drink dye, has been associated with depression, anemia and confusion; carbon dioxide, with a psychological dependence; benzoic acid, with allergies, hyperactivity in children, asthma, Alzheimer's, cognitive deterioration and premature aging, and caffeine, with increased urinary excretion of calcium, magnesium, and electrolytes, which cause dehydration, according to the Faculty of Medicine of National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) reported Vanguardia MX

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Those who consume light drinks are three times more likely to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease, report researchers at the University of Boston

. Sugar drinks a day or more than three soft drinks a week have lower brain volume and a hippocampus contracted, according to Laura Moreno Altamirano, a researcher at the UNAM Department of Public Health.

Each glass of cola has the equivalent of 14 tablespoons of sugar. Since it is impossible for a person to drink this, phosphoric acid is added to neutralize the sweetener and allow it to be consumed, according to the expert.

Researchers led by Matthew Pase, of the University three times higher risk of Alzheimer's disease .

It is estimated that Mexico is among the three countries where cola is the most consumed, on average, they drink 114 liters per person per year. Therefore, Moreno Altamirano said that it is important to be aware of the dangers of consuming these products. This is the case of a very powerful company, but something must be done; especially working with children and families, who in many cases face lack of drinking water, aggressive advertising and lack of regulation of these products.

Sugar from these drinks, in addition, is associated with obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, premature aging, cardiovascular disease, cancer and kidney problems. And in conjunction with caffeine it produces an addiction, and with phosphoric acid, bone demineralization and caries .

The industry sells its products as if they were safe for health. This has incredibly confused us, making us believe that they are beneficial, even if they are ultra-processed products, which not only have little or no nutritional quality, but its components increase the risk of occurrence. An illness.

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