Regrets the violent process of the SV | L & # 39; economist


The recent electoral process in Mexico was one of the most violent in Latin America, as is known to the Organization of American States (OAS), reported the electoral mission of the Foreign Mission of the 39, multilateral organization. [19659002Mardil'OAShaspresentedrepresentativereportonthecurrentlycountryrequiredinourcountry

Leonel Fernández, former President of the Dominican Republic and leader of the Mission, said at a press conference that there is recurrent in the countries of the region acts violence against political actors and even citizens in the context of holding elections, but "what happened in Mexico in this electoral process is however unprecedented. The fact that so many political actors, candidates, pre-candidates were killed is unprecedented in the region, in addition to people who have been intimidated to give up the candidacies, "said Fernandez

. said that according to Mexican official sources, between September 8, 2017 and June 29, 103 political actors killed in 25 states of the Republic were registered.

Before these figures the exmandatario called for OAS to clarify the facts and the Mexican authorities punish those who are responsible for aggression against politicians, while recommending actions to eradicate situations of violence

"To combat this problem, the Mission proposes a multiple approach that reduces incentives for criminal activity and in turn refines the capabilities of state security forces. 19659002] "It is also recommended to strengthen the protection mechanisms of different political actors and representatives of civil society in the electoral period," reads in the Dominican exmandatario of the report.

Leonel Fernández assures that the situations for which they are murdered political actors are varied and depend on the context of the locality in which the event took place.

"There are different cases in each locality, there are conflicts between the parties, say a variety of factors that caused this, on the other hand, in the written report, the OAS refers, among others, to the delivery of public maps and resources promised by some candidates., on which recommended that it be analyzed in more detail by the electoral authorities to allow this type of This will continue to be put implemented in the future because, he said, "it is possible that citizens perceive them as an advantage in exchange for their vote."

For election observation, the 39 OAS has deployed 65 experts and observers from 23 nationalities in 25 states of the country

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