Reject sanction for the NL police who participated in the "Chona Challenge & # 39;


  Sanction rejected for the NL police who entered the

Photo: Screenshot (YouTube)


After the video of a viralized in social networks] police element of Nuevo Leon doing the "Chona Challenge", the Secretary of State for Public Security, Bernardo González Garza, specified that the uniform will not be penalized.

Challenge "talks about a person coming out of his car and dancing the famous Los Tucanes song from Tijuana while the car is still moving.Then you have to return to the vehicle to continue driving [19659006] In this case, the uniformed officer, who was not identified, did so with his loaded gun.

Let's not be so cruel, I do not applaud the subject, He indicated that his invitation was not to demonize the issue.

He mentioned that the state police did not denigrate or n? not stained the name Justified that the action had nothing wrong unlike other events that circulated

Let's put the citizens in their context, analyze the traffic light of the June 1945 Crime Society, published by the Office of the Prosecutor, a foreign entity to the Ministry of Public Security. "The greenest crimes were the state police," he explained.

He reiterated that although he does not applaud the issue, there will be no penalty.


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