Relive how Uruguay left Cristiano without a World Cup


minute by minute

  • Uruguay


  • Portugal


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  • Uruguay, hand in hand with Cavani, leaves Portugal outside the World Cup

  • 90 +6


  • 90 + 4

    Yellow for Cristiano Quaresma falls near the area and the Portuguese captain angrily asks the Mexican whistle

  • 90 + 2

    Center that can not control or shoot Stuani inside the area. He could be the one who killed

  • 85 "

    Uruguay is waiting for a counter-attack to end the match. Portugal can not see where they can get equalization

  • 83 –

    Portugal is still trying to center the area. Godin and Cáceres seem unbeatable

  • 80 &

    The change of Uruguay. Nandez share and Carlos Sánchez between

  • 77 &

    ¡Arribaaaaaaaaaa !! Raphael is encouraged, but his attempt exceeds the goal of Charrúa

  • 73 & # 39;

    Substitution of Uruguay. He hurts Cavani and enters Christian Stuani

  • 73

    Portugal changes. He leaves Guedes and enters in André Silva

  • 69 & [3919659014] Por pocoooooo !! The ball enters the area that the goalkeeper Muslera tries to control, but Bernardo takes the ball from him, pulls but he does so

  • 65 "

    Movement of Portugal. Adrien Silva goes away and Ricardo Quaresma enters

  • 64 &

    ¡Oportuno cruce !! Torreira anticipates when Cristiano was already preparing to shoot in the region

  • 63 & # 39;

    ] The change of Uruguay. Betancour leaves and between Cristian Rodríguez

  • 62

    Nandez leads to the center, opens to the left for Cavani, who houses the body to shoot from the right, with an inner part, towards the goalkeeper's goal of goal

  • 61

    ¡GOLAZOOOOOOOOOO !! Uruguay back in the lead

  • 59 & # 39;

    New corner for Portugal. Guedes shoots and Vecino deviates to the outside

  • 54

    Raphael center that blocks Cristiano, but Pepe finishes, alone, to put the parity on the cards

      Mundial Russia 2018

  • 53 & quot;

    ¡GOOOOOOOOOOOOL !! Links of Portugal

  • 53 & # 39;

    Another ad from Portugal !! Series of rebounds that end with a corner shot for the Lusitani

  • 50 "

    Portugal tries to go to the front, but the defensive wall of the Charrúas keeps the order and the rigor the time to score


  • ] Everything is ready for recovery

  • The teams return to the field

  •   World Russia 2018

  • Uruguay is more dangerous than Portugal. He was the one with the ball and the best chances to score. Cristiano, on the other hand, was not able to damage or orchestrate the Portuguese attack

  • 45 & + 2


  • 45 & # 39; + 1

    The shot of Godin Cavani in the box and pulls from the right on one side

  • 43

    Luis Suarez is elbowed by Raphael's elbow. The assistance to examine it

      World Russia 2018

  • 40 "

    Joao Mario slips and loses his lead at speed on the left wing

  • 38 & # 39;

    Shock of the heads between Godín and Guedes who only hurts them. Without Effect

  • 34 "

    Series of keys in the Lusitanian field that ends with a center of Suarez that can not control Cavani by the other band

  • 31 & # 39;

    Cristiano crushes the ball in the barrier. After Vecino rejects Chilena

  • 30

    Betancour commits an offense on Guedes and gives Cristiano an opportunity from the edge of the surface

  • 26 & # 39;

    Ricardo sets foot for Cavani to avoid what happens Many mistakes at this time of the meeting

      World Russia 2018

  • 24 &

    Godin's fault Bernardo. The ball is stopped, but no one can shoot

  • 22

    Guedes can not control the ball in top form and hits his hand in the surface of Uruguay

  • 21 & # 39 ;

    [19459034 Suarez passes the ball between the fence and Rui Patricio throws himself to avoid the goal

  • 20 &

    C & # 39; is now Cast that hits Suarez at the edge of the box . Ball stopped for La Celeste

  • 19

    The attack of Raphael against Suarez in the midfield

      World Cup Russia 2018

  • 18 & # 39; [19659014] Cristiano receives the ball on the edge of the surface, but immediately three come to close the spaces

  • 15 & # 39;

    Low center, weak at the first post in the Lusitanian zone, fighting Cáceres with a sweep before Casting's rejection. Lack of Uruguayan

  • 12

    Cristiano hooks and hits right that crashes into Torreira's body. The midfielder is lying on the grass

  • 10

    Short shot. After the center goes to the second post in the Uruguay area, Fonte finishes, but he misses and the opportunity is gone

  • 8

    Cavani changes the game for Suarez that receives and cut to send center where the own & # 39; Matador & # 39; ends at the archer's post to break the initial parity

      Mundial Russia 2018

  • 7

    ¡GOOOOOOOOOOOL !! Uruguay opens the scoring

  • 6 & # 39;

    Bernardo wanted to extend the surface for Guedes, but Godín prevents the ball from passing

  • 5th

    First warning !! Guedes leaves the ball "dead" to Cristiano Ronaldo, who lets him go on his right leg. In the background stop Muslera

  • 4

    Torreira charges Cristiano Ronaldo to avoid the counterattack. The referee signals only the fault

      World Russia 2018

  • 3 & # 39;

    Luis Suárez extends for Nandez, takes center, but Cast iron sweeps and gives the corner

  • 2 & # 39;

    Joao Mario's center of the left that ends Guedes over the charrúa hut

  • 1

    Cavani's offense during a fight against Pepe

  • L & # 39; Central referee will be the Mexican Cesar Ramos Palazuelos. Your standard bearers will be
    Marvin Torrentera and Miguel Hernández. The fourth official will be Jair Marrufo and the VAR will be in charge of the American Mark Geiger

  • Everything is ready for the start of the match

  • We review the alignments of the meeting

  • The ceremony of national anthems

  • The teams jump on the field !!

  • Lists the alignments.

      World Russia 2018

  • The winner of this match will face France in the quarterfinals, which this morning left Argentina for the World Cup.

      World Russia 2018

  •   World Russia 2018

  • Welcome to the Minute Minute duel between Charrúas and Lusos for the passage to Quarters !!

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