"Renault is the rival to beat for us": Sergio Perez


Positive, Sergio Perez noted his performances and those of his teammate Esteban Ocon during the first two trials of the Mexican Grand Prix, but was surprised by the actions of Renault drivers Nico Hulkenberg and Carlos Carlos Sainz, who finished in the Top 5 this year. day, and even acknowledged that they are the rival to beat.

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"I think the day has been positive, the tires are working differently than expected.There is a lot to improve and I think that a perfect weekend can offer excellent opportunities: Renault is not That's two-tenths of us, they were very competitive today, they are the rival to beat the weekend and I hope we can overcome them, "said the Guadalajara rider.

Given the high probability that it will rain tomorrow, Pérez Mendoza has shown himself positive, believing that this situation could be beneficial for him and his team.

"The rain would undermine the strategy for all that could put us in a good position, it would bring us good opportunities Tomorrow, it will be important to have a good ranking," he concluded.


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