Renunciation Minister of the Interior of Germany for Migration Conflicts


The German Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer faces Chancellor Angela Merkel on immigration policy, decides to resign from her functions informed the sources of the AFP party, the formation of the Bavarian CSU.

Photo: AFP

Seehofer expressed his intention at a closed meeting of the CSU in southern Munich, which continued Sunday night. According to the sources, he will leave the presidency of the party member of the fragile German government coalition.

Seehofer "wants to resign from his post of minister and party chairman" because he believes "that he does not have the support" needed, "said one of these sources.

They could not specify for the moment what this decision entails for the future of the German government. Seehofer himself intends to report in the evening to the press

The question is now whether the government party will leave as a result or not of the coalition government in Germany which would deprive the Chancellor of the majority of deputies and plunge the country into a great political crisis A.

Photo: AFP

The CSU Merkel press for several weeks to accept his plans to reject asylum seekers already registered in other countries at the border or to reach European agreements having the same effect.

On July 1st, the deadline was respected.

Angela Merkel opposes discharges at the border whereas a "domino effect" could be created in Europe.

In this note:

  • Migration policy
  • Horst Seehofer
  • German Minister of the Interior
  • Political crisis
  • Germany

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