Renunciation of the Haitian Prime Minister – El Diario de Yucatán


Pressure transfer for fuel increases

PUERTO PRÍNCIPE (AP). – Prime Minister of Haiti, Jack Guy Lafontant, submitted his resignation yesterday, amid criticism for managing his failed attempt to drastically increase fuel prices, which has generated a surge in fuel prices. violent riots.

Lafontant told the Chamber of Deputies that he had sent his resignation letter to President Jovenel Moses, who accepted it. The head of the executive did not comment.

With his surprise announcement, he presented a non-confidence motion that MPs had planned to vote to ask Moses to appoint a new prime minister so that a new cabinet could resolve the crisis

The deputies had summoned the prime minister to answer questions about the violent riots that took place on July 6, 7 and 8 to protest the government's attempt to raise oil prices between 38% and 51%. hydrocarbons. During the three days of protests, seven people were killed and dozens of businesses were looted or destroyed.

With their protests, the population shouted and the lower house must hear, said MP Jean Marcel Lumeran. the word in the session yesterday that started more than three hours later than expected.

By the time the session began, House Speaker Gary Bodaeu wrote in his Twitter account that this body "is at the crossroads of history it must take its responsibilities." [19659003] Bodeau considered this week, in a letter sent to the Prime Minister, that the attempt to raise fuel prices was "an inappropriate and ineffective measure."

The session in the House developed in different parts of the capital of small groups of people protested to demand the resignation of the head of government.

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