Report 15 injured after a road accident Xochimilco-Topilejo



This Saturday a strong car accident was recorded on the Xochimilco-Topilejo highway, at the height of the Pedregal colony of San Francisco, which left a balance of fifteen wounded persons among whom three minors. Of this group, seven are reported in Fragile Condition

At present no deaths are reported.

The Chief of the Ministry of Public Security of Mexico City, Raymundo Collins reported that a recycling truck was the one that struck the back of a transport van public "Urvan" type. This caused him to project against the facade of a house.

Collins mentioned that the unity apparently did not lack brakes . However, rejects that the driver was drunk . That's why the PGJ will do expertises to determine what has happened.

The driver of the vehicle is already detained.

It must be remembered that the helicopters of 'Condors Group & # 39; moved the wounded to the Polanco Red Cross, the General Hospital of Balbuena and the Infanteils of Legaría and Aragon.


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