Report: Apple is preparing an all-in-one multimedia subscription plan, combining Apple Music, TV shows and magazines


Via The Information, Apple apparently plans to combine its future magazine service and original content, with its existing music subscription, into a single Amazon Prime subscription. The price of this package is not clear, Apple offers Apple Music for $ 9.99 a month.

The report says that Apple will allow customers to subscribe to each service separately, perhaps there is a reduction in costs by subscribing to the overall package versus paying individually for each.

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Echoing a timeline previously reported by Bloomberg, The Information indicates that the company wants to launch a subscription service to Apple brand news by 2019. The company acquired Texture in March of this year, a service that includes the following: $ 9.99 / month subscription that opens access to over 200 magazines.

The timing of Apple's original TV content efforts is still murky, but there are some indications that the first shows will be ready to air later next year. The production of TV shows is often prone to delays and setbacks, but Apple has enough issues right now to have a healthy offer even though only half of the orders are ready in 2019.

Selling all three types of media as a single subscription avoids any initial weakness on the television side. Over time, a standalone Apple TV subscription would make more sense as Apple continues to expand its catalog. It could attract customers early on by giving them a discount on the TV subscription if the user was already paying for Apple Music, for example.

Unlike music and news, Apple has a lot more flexibility in the price of access to its original TV because there is no ongoing royalty fee.

Plans to create a full all-in-one multimedia subscription are likely to help Apple forge a new revenue growth path in the coming years. Investors are eager to see if the company can convince its millions of iPhone owners to buy subscriptions to recurring content.

Apple has announced a public audience goal to double its revenue by 2020. While Apple Music is a growing business, with 40 million subscribers in April, the figure of The business of the Services division is currently dominated by its 30% commissions.

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