REPORT: EA and Activision Increased Value with Games as a Service


The video game industry is evolving and its companies are banking on new business models and new distribution channels. At the same time, it seems that one of the growing trends is games as a service and it is clear that this would not happen if business numbers were not enough. In this sense, a report from DFC Intelligence has revealed the increase in value of Electronic Arts and Activision since the implementation of the game model as a service.

L & # 39; location JeuxDaily He presented information from a recent report by analyst firm DFC Intelligence, which examines the trends in the video game industry and the business models adopted by larger companies. The results of the analysis indicate that the gaming model as a service has become a very lucrative business and that EA and Activision, two true giants in the industry, have significantly increased their value after entering and operating this sector. In this sense, DFC Intelligence has revealed that currently the gaming model as a service outperforms traditional models and that, thanks to that, EA has increased its value from $ 4 million per day in 2012 to 33 millions of dollars a day. Same situation for Activision, whose value has risen from 10 MMDJ in 2012 to 60 MMDD this year.

In this regard, the DFC Intelligence report indicates the importance that the monetization model implemented in its sports franchises has earned for EA, that is to say the Ultimate mode that has won millions of fans who play FIFA o Madden NFL. At the same time, the corresponding information with Activision indicates the success of the titles alignment with multiplayer components including monetization models, as well as the offer of titles launched according to traditional models. However, in the case of the society that houses Call of Duty, the bet that brought them the most benefits was the acquisition of King in 2015, company in charge of mobile gaming.

In this way, it seems that gaming as a service will be the norm in the coming years and to the extent that it represents good business for businesses.

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