Report of two thousand 500 cases of chickenpox in Yucatan


Merida, Yucatan.-In the current year, more than 2,500 cases of varicella were detected in Yucatán which represents an increase of 22.8% compared to last year, so that medical reports indicate that there was an increase in this disease.

According to the Federal Health Sector, up to Epidemiological Week 28 – with a deadline of 14 of July – two thousand 690 people were treated for this condition in public health centers. Of this number, 1,454 were men and 236 were women

Similarly, during the same period of 2017, only two thousand 076 incidences of varicella were detected. That is, there are currently 614 additional cases, which represents an increase of 22.8% in general terms.

According to the data of National Epidemiological Bulletin last year the Yucatan was closing with 2,000 802 cases of this disease, so the difference with the current number of incidents – recorded until 39th. At the beginning of this month – is only 112 people with this condition.

On the other hand, it is not excluded that this 2018 has more residents with varicella .

At the national scale, the entity with the most cases of this disease is Jalisco with six thousand 705; it is followed by State of Mexico with six thousand 493; and Nuevo León with six thousand 138 cases

The health sector asked parents that in the case of infected children, avoid going to the meeting places to avoid transmission because the disease is easy to proliferate.

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