Request a health congress to assess whether there is an influenza epidemic in Yucatán


Congress assigned a warrant to the Ministry of Health to which verifies the sanitary situation prevailing in the state of Yucatán and finally declare the outbreak of influenza AH1N1 .

In its session on Wednesday, the Standing Committee of the Union Congress urged the Secretary of Health "to consider the availability of necessary health services to assist immediately and in a timely manner to the population of the Yucatan who presents the infectious image of influenza AH1N1 that currently affects the state of Yucatan. "

Senator Daniel Ávila Ruiz, who promoted the point of agreement, told the plenary that in recent years, the southeastern Mexican has been one of the regions in which more and more cases of AH1N1 flu have been presented.

Ávila Ruiz ex He said that throughout 2018, four deaths have been confirmed because of this disease in Yucatán, which is the entity with the most cases of deaths due to this cause; Quintana Roo continues, with three people who lost their lives

"In total there are 13 flu-confirmed deaths in the country up to epidemiological week number 28, a period that extends from 20 May to July 12th. " [19659002Parconséquent"ilesturgent-adéclaréÁvilaRuiz-defournirdesdosessuffisantesdevaccinspréventifspourlapopulationduYucatanainsiquedemettreenœuvrelesprogrammesnécessairesàleurapplicationetàladiffusionparmilapopulationdemesurespréventives"

The point of & # 39; agreement that the plenary considered and voted on an urgent and obvious resolution included the member's proposal Ricardo Garcia Portilla (PRI), to & # 39; call the SSA to evaluate the statement of the AH1N1 flu epidemic

The statement included the proposal of the Yucatan MP, Kathia María Bolio Pinelo (PAN), so that state and federal governments recognize as an epidemic the incidence of this disease, and that preventive measures be disseminated and ensure the provision of drugs, laboratory tests and medical equipment to combat the virus.

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