Rescue 6 kidnapped and killed three plagiarists


Reynosa, Tamaulipas.- Heavy clash was recorded yesterday afternoon in the Anzaldúas bridge of the city of Reynosa event that left three criminals dead and six people were were rescued who were deprived of their liberty by armed subjects and transported in vans.

The shooting took place when elements of the credible state police faced three units in which armed individuals were traveling when they were conducting surveillance tours. through the streets of the neighborhoods Hacienda, Las Fuentes, Caracoles and Rancho Grande

According to El Mañana, six people were saved This is about five men and one woman who were deprived of their liberty by criminals.

Six people were saved, five men and one woman / Photo: El Mañana

Precisely in front of the door of a ranch, the shooting was unleashed, the occupants of two trucks managed to escape from the place, while three who climbed to edge of another unit were killed, two bodies were inside the unit. third on the outside.

On the back of the vans were the six abductees tied to their hands and feet who did not know where they were being taken, they simply said they were "raised"

At the place of the events they arrived paramedics of the Red Cross to help victims of gunshot wounds.

Two of the hostages were unharmed, both guarded by uniformed personnel, and Semefo experts also arrived to conduct the corresponding procedures. f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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