Resident Evil 2: Capcom explains why the new game should not be titled "remake" | PS4 | Xbox One | PC | Video games


Resident Evil 2 Remake is not officially named as such. Yes, everyone has messed up with the next title of Capcom . The same company had to point out that the term Remake is useless for the return of this classic PlayStation .

According to Capcom the return of Resident Evil 2 to Xbox One PS4 and PC is not intended as a simple update of the video game of 1998.

"It will not be a literal recreation of the first video game" explains Mike Lunn responsible for Capcom to Gamingbolt .

"For someone who played the game, for those who have spent it only once or even for those who have enjoyed this title over a thousand times It will always be their favorite game, but at the same time, the person who has played more than a thousand times must feel like a cool game and we have designed it that's why we do not call it not Resident Evil 2 Remake, it's a new game built on the foundations of the original " he added.

Those who play the new Resident Evil will recognize certain sequences, but their approach will be different. "We want to scare new places, not just give them a replacement, or include a new part of the building, but rather want to reinvent everything" notes Lunn.

"That's why we do not want you to know exactly how new puzzles should be solved and we do not want you to know exactly where the enemies are going, we want to surprise the players, so we decided to change things a bit.In the end, what is the main idea, the story and the main arcs, are very similar, but we will also surprise you with new things " he added.

Resident Evil 2 will go on sale on January 25, 2019.

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