Restoring tranquility is unthinkable without the armed forces


President Enrique Peña Nieto said it was unthinkable to regain the freedom and tranquility that Mexicans aspire to without the participation of the armed forces.

He assured that it would have been incoherent to continue to require the army, air force and the Mexican Navy to contribute to internal security without providing them with a legal framework guaranteeing the legal security of their actions.

"In this sense, the Supreme Court's review of the Internal Security Law that was passed last December will guarantee its constitutionality. I am convinced that we will be indebted to our armed forces." while in our country does not apply the law on homeland security, "said the president.

At the Ministry of Defense, he awarded decorations, honorable mentions and recognitions to personnel and units of the armed forces who excelled in operations to reduce violence in Mexico.

"The accuracy of the operations they have conducted, as well as the results of the strategies they have carried out, are essential to safeguard the legality and security of our country," said the president.

A few days after the beginning of the government led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, he called on soldiers, sailors and pilots to continue to face the missions entrusted to them.

"I am sure that, being the first defenders of the Fatherland, they will also continue to be the first to behave in strict compliance with the law and institutions, which is why they have been called to continue to realize Mexico and the Mexicans As the supreme commander, he urged them to continue to honor the uniform, insignia and colors that distinguish them as Mexican soldiers, pilots and sailors, "he said.

The head of the Ministry of Defense, Salvador Cienfuegos, stressed that security was the responsibility of the three levels of government, the authorities responsible for the administration and administration of justice and society as a whole.

"It is not correct to blame a person, because it pays nothing for the safe country, but it creates division and resentment, weakens institutions and discourages citizens and their authorities. is appropriate and necessary to assume the individual corresponds and acts accordingly, "said the Secretary General.

The secretary of the Navy, Admiral Vidal Francisco Soberón, said that the armed forces would continue to support the security work because "it is clear that we are still on the street to perform security support tasks and this situation will continue over the next few years ". government, however, it is time to say that there will be no truce against those who attempt to harm the welfare of our citizens and that we will not duplicate the criminal who rape our people. "

The rewarded units have distinguished themselves in their missions against organized crime and drug trafficking.

Among the recognized activities are the eradication of drug cultures, the location of clandestine laboratories and the securing of various drugs and weapons.

In addition, the Mexican Army and Navy have paid tribute to President Enrique Peña Nieto for the development and modernization of the armed forces.

For the transformation of military education and the development of medical infrastructure.

And to have improved the quality of life of the military and their families.

General Salvador Cienfuegos, Secretary of National Defense, awarded him the Distinguished Service Military Decoration.

"Mr. President, since the beginning of your administration as supreme commander, you have created confidence and certainty in the troops.Mr President, as supreme commander, you showed his empathy for the soldiers and their families , deserving of respect and admiration, He showed his pride at being the supreme commander of the armed forces and, thanks to his closeness and support, showed us that loyalty is reciprocal, "he said. .

Admiral Vidal Francisco Soberón, secretary of the Navy, awarded him the first class distinction, for the support he has given to soldiers, pilots and sailors during the six-year term.

"In the academic fields, training, operational and mainly support to the civilian population in case of disaster and humanitarian aid, as well as protection of the marine environment to the benefit This work has been even more difficult for all Mexicans, and thanks to its strategic vision, it promotes promotion, prevention and health care, as well as the stability and security of the economic situation of the great family. army and navy, "said Admiral.

"Today, I receive with humility the distinctions they have graciously bestowed on me.It is a recognition that fills me with emotion and that I will cherish as one of the most noble gestures. and the most generous of my career as President of the Republic. […] to receive today these two prices will mark in an authentic way and will tattoo my heart and in which will always remain my love, my respect and my love for the armed forces, which with the same love serve the country every day ".

I am confident that the next government will continue to support the armed forces.

"I hope that our armed forces will continue to enjoy the support of the next government, the elected government and the newly elected president, who will become the next supreme commander of the armed forces as of 1 December. "By looking at them and getting to know these armed institutions, they will continue to support and support the expansion of our armed institutions," he said.

He recognized the work of the Secretaries of Defense and Navy.

And he urged soldiers, pilots and sailors to continue to honor the uniform of the homeland.

"To the Secretary General of National Defense, Salvador Cienfuegos, and to the Admiral Secretary to the Navy, Vidal Francisco Soberón, my gratitude, my constant affection for life, many congratulations […] As supreme commander, I give you the instruction that now and always they will add fiber to your performance for Mexico, with the conviction that your actions will always speak for yourselves. "

It was the first time that the armed forces had delivered these recognitions to their supreme commander.

The ceremony took place on the military field number one in front of more than 5,000 soldiers of the armed forces.

(With information from Juan Sebastián Solís)

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