Reward of 10 miles per killer of 43 ayotzinapa


October 27, 2018

The remuneration will be paid to anyone offering real information on the location of Tenescalco Meja, allegedly charged in the case of missing normalistas.

Image Facebook Lisi Turr

Recently, the Attorney General's office has offered a reward of 10 million pesos to anyone or to those who provide truthful, effective, useful and useful information about the location, arrest or apprehension of Alejandro Tenescalco Meja, who would be responsible for the murder of journalist Ayotzinapa

This man is linked to serious crimes such as organized crime, kidnapping and other crimes that come from his criminal record.

This information was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, where it is noted that the Panel to investigate the offenses of abduction of the Sub-Office specialized in the investigation of organized crime and the Bureau of Investigation into Human Rights Violations, Crime Prevention and Community Services of that body, has two investigations against Alejandro Tenescalco Meja.

According to the Exclsior website, the A / 071/18 agreement issued by the DOF, this award will be awarded to anyone providing truthful, effective and useful information about the situation of Tenescalco Meja.

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