Ricardo La Volpe will be sports advisor to the football of Egypt


The Argentine Ricardo Antonio La Volpe began a new challenge in his career, although he did not do so as a strategist but as a sports consultant, although the more surprising is that he does it in Egyptian football.

Through his Twitter account the Pyramids FC announced the incorporation of "Bigotón ", which had its last work as DT of America.

To discuss with RECORD the extimonial of the Mexican Selection revealed as it was that the approach with the owners of the Egyptian set; as well as the initiative to get involved in administrative matters.

"Three months ago I was in contact with an Arab team, but she stayed there.Now I understand that those gentlemen who have looked for me are the ones with whom I have spoke, but who now own this new team. "

In this sense, the former coach of teams such as Toluca mentioned his activities. sports consultant ". "He is like a sports director, they want him to organize everything, that he does sport for the team.In short, be responsible for everything.I will travel to Cairo in 15 days to sign the contract and see the facilities, then I will go to Alexandria to see the team in its preseason, "he added.

The Volpe acknowledged that it was something he had already been looking for in Mexican football, although he had not had the opportunity; However, it does not rule out returning to our country.

"I had thought for a long time, I was already working in the lower jobs, medium or long term. I wanted to do it here Mexico City I spoke with Decio (De María) and with Guillermo Cantú we have to work here with young people I say it for a long time, "he says.

Pyramids FC is a very young club since it was only 10 years old in Egypt's Premier League and it reached its ascent at First Division n in 2014 and that in the last season he finished ninth in the standings.

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