Roberto Palazuelos reveals what he knows about Luis Miguel's mom (VIDEO)


July 4, 2018

The actor also clarified whether he had a fight with "El Sol" in the late eighties

YouTube video capture screen Today

At a "trial" in the morning program Today, Roberto Palazuelos talks about his relationship with Luis Miguel, the whereabouts of Marcela Basteri and the alleged brawl that was ##################################################################################### 39; he had with the interpreter of "I have everything but you".

After that in a scene of "Luis Miguel, the series", the character who represents Palazuelos and "Micky" had a strong discussion, much was said of the truth or the falseness of this fight.

In this regard, the actor states that he has never fought with "El Sol"

"I have never had a quarrel with Luis Miguel, I I fought with him and it's a lie of the series, "said Palazuelos, who was questioned when he was traveling really freely with the singer. "It's a lie, Luis Miguel's plane did not even reach Guadalajara," he replied

Similarly, in a more serious tone, they asked him if the Luisito Rey's son never asked the help of his friends to find his mother.

"It's a song that I do not play, it's like the audience and it hurts like the audience, I know, it's a very rich spaghetti in the private where we live, it was a very beautiful and very distinguished lady ", says Palazuelos

See here the complete segment:

(Video posted on YouTube by Hoy on July 3 2018).

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