Robot with artificial intelligence to be the first of its kind in the International Space Station


A robot with artificial intelligence and the shape of a bullet takes off towards the International Space Station aboard the Space X Dragon Ship. It should arrive tomorrow Monday and this, at 400 km above the surface of the Earth, becomes the first robot of its kind to interact with people in the space. And it's that Cimon-words in English from Compaero Mvil Interactivo's Creulacin- was created by Airbus with the aim of recognizing the voice and face of Alexander Gerst, a geophysicist from the agency European space age of 42 years.

His activation Christian Karrasch, project director of the German Aerospace Center, an institution from which his operation is scheduled.

Floating in the eyes of astronauts, Cimon can detect with his camera. if the person in front of you is in fact Gerst or another person. It has also been designed to interpret the emotional state of the astronaut. Among the robot's most complex tasks – the size of a basketball and nicknamed a flying brain – Gerst guided several procedures, including showing him photos and videos if necessary. If Gerst has questions about a procedure or questions that go beyond, Cimon should be able to search for information and give it to him

Messages on Earth

Functions , the system is equipped with a microphone at the back, an infrared camera at the front and two batteries. The robot also has an offline button, which once enabled, allows Gerst to be sure that nothing it says is forwarded to the IBM server that receives its messages on earth. When they are activated, voice recordings are activated again

A free hand for the robotic arm of the station, an experiment to measure plant stress in the space and a study. a new cancer treatment. They travel on the ship, which took off from Cabo Caaveral on the fifteenth SpaceX supply mission.

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