Rockstar confirms: Grand Theft Auto VI will not arrive in 2019


If you have been on the Internet in the past few days, you have probably seen an alleged message from Grand Theft Auto V that says Grand Theft Auto VI is on its way ( including there is a topic about it in our forums). If you thought it was an official announcement, we have bad news: Rockstar has already confirmed that it's wrong.

By Twitter a player said that this message appeared and contacted the company to find out what was it? Almost immediately, the company replied that she was wrong, so she clarified that this was not an official message.

"It's a deception made with the use of mods and it's not an official message or communication from Rockstar Games," commented the company

This post appeared to several players of Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, which can be changed without much problem. So, the most accepted theory is that some modders have found a way to exploit the messaging system of Rockstar Social Club for this message to appear in the game. That said, the real causes are unknown.

Now that this message turns out to be wrong, that does not mean that we will never see a new Grand Theft Auto . In fact, if we take into account the overall success of Grand Theft Auto V it is very likely that its development is already among the plans of Rockstar. However, it seems difficult to come soon, so we recommend you wait for the start of Red Dead Redemption 2 the new Rockstar game that will come this year.

And you, Did this message ever appear to you? What would you like to see in the next Grand Theft Auto ? Tell us in the comments.

Grand Theft Auto V is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Follow this link to see more news on the subject.

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