Rosa Icela Rodríguez, future secretary of the CDMX government with Sheinbaum


Claudia Sheinbaum current elected Prime Minister of Mexico City presented his cabinet of eight women and eight men.

They are absolutely honest, they are specialists in their subjects, they collaborate for many years in these fields and it is a privilege that they wanted to collaborate with this team. We will work and go ahead in Mexico City, "he said.

Standard bearer of Morena announced Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez as the next secretary of the CDMX government

Rodríguez Velázquez has more than 20 years of experience in the public administration of the CDMX, was secretary of the development social and general director of the institute of care of the elderly.

She was coordinator of Social Communication in the Legislative Assembly and worked in various media.

The next commissioner for reconstruction will be César Cravioto, current coordinator of the Morena Parliamentary Group in the VIIth legislature of ALDF.

The first members of the cabinet were:

· Héctor Villegas Sandoval, Legal and Legal Advice

Luz Elena González Escobar, Secretary of Finance

· Almudena Ocejo Rojo, Secretariat for Social Development

· Gabriela Rodríguez Ramírez, Inmujeres

Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez, Secretary of Education

· Marina Robles García, Ministry of the Environment

· José Luis Beato, Secretary of Economic Development and Labor

· Jesús Antonio Esteva Medina, Ministry of Works and Services

· Andrés Lajous Loaeza, Secretary of Mobility

· Ileana Villalobos Estrada, Urban Development Secretariat

José Alfonso Suárez del Real, Ministry of Culture

· Carlos Mackinlay, Secretary of Tourism

· Miryam Urzúa Venegas, Civil Protection Secretariat (to be transformed into Center for Comprehensive Risk Management and Attention)

· César Iván Escalante Ruíz, General Coordination of Social Communication

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