RUMOR: The use of cloud technology in Crackdown 3 is still up-to-date


Despite its bumpy history, Crackdown 3 this remains a reality, according to Xbox, and although information on its development is jealously guarded, it seems that some details have leaked and, if this is true, it would be very good news for those who are waiting for the title.

In the words of a known informer in the scene as Klobrille, which gained notoriety after reporting Microsoft's acquisition of Playground and what's happening between the company and Obsidian, Crackdown 3 It has evolved considerably and some features already stand out. In this sense, the informant indicates that the use of cloud technology for the creation of a destruction system is still ongoing and that it is already in an advanced stage. In this respect, it should be recalled that this type of technology had, according to the reports, posed a major problem for software developers. Crackdown 3 but, apparently, and if the foregoing was confirmed, the expected result was achieved.

In addition, the information indicates that the size of the Crackdown 3 exceeds the original title by more than double and there will be more than 1000 orbs to collect. At the same time, we make sure that the game is impressive and that the highest tower is more than one kilometer long.

Finally, the informant revealed that the process of developing Crackdown 3 involves the creation of 2 special experiences and while Sumo Digital is responsible for the campaign as well as offline and online modes with cooperative mode for 4 players, Ruffian Games focuses on multiplayer and the correct implementation of the technology of the cloud that promises interesting destruction system.

If you want to know more about Crackdown 3 We invite you to visit this link, where you will find all the information on the expected title.

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