Rumors are growing: are Diego Boneta and Camila Sodi boyfriends? | who


The last chapter of "Luis Miguel, the series" unleashed again the rumors of a relationship between Camila and Diego.

After the last chapter of Luis Miguel, the series the rumors of a romance between Camila Sodi and Diego Boneta that existed for several months intensified, after the actors shared a distinct image in their Instagram stories that had the same content, so the chances of being together were almost certain.

This time, in their respective Instagram accounts, the actors shared an image in which "Erika and Luis Miguel", the characters they interpret in the biographies of " El Sol " are given a passionate kiss added to that, Camila added a message that increased those rumors about their court.

"Sometimes love wins !!! @diego #luismiguellaserie @ netflix @ telemundo," wrote the actress.

On the other hand, Diego and Camila have not stopped writing messages on the social network, whenever someone publishes a photo. Although until now, there is no statement that confirms or denies a romantic relationship between them.

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