Russia 2018 | The drama of 'Messi from Irán & # 39; who retired from his selection at age 23


The striker Sardar Azmoun nicknamed the "Iranian Messi", announces that he is retiring from the Iranian football team while he was only 23, after the players. of the team were received in his country as heroes despite his elimination in group B of World Russia 2018 .

In a message posted this Friday on his Instagram account, Azmoun speaks of a difficult decision to make but motivated by the "insults" that he says he received and the fragile health of his mother. "I decided to say goodbye to the national team of my country," wrote the player, who plays for the Russian Rubin Kazan.

Reply to insults

"For a 23-year-old who came here with such difficulty, it's very painful, it's the most painful decision of my life," he said. After the defeat of the Iranian eleven against Spain (1-0) on June 20, Sardar Azmoun, who reached the World Cup culminating in his role as top scorer of the Persians in qualifying for the tournament (11 points) , has been heavily criticized on social networks in Iran, by Internet users who criticized him for not having respected it.

Because of these "insults" since the illness of his mother "is aggravated", the player says to have arrived at this conclusion: "I had to choose and I chose my mother", he says on Instagram.

Given the youth of Azmoun, the Iranian press estimated on Friday that the decision could be reconsidered in the future and not be final. Iran started the World Cup-2018 by winning 1-0 against Morocco, but then lost 1-0 to Spain and drew 1-1 against Portugal, finishing third in the tournament. Group B.


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