Russia and China respond with new tariffs


"Commercial Attacks"

BEIJING (AP and EFE) .- The United States and China yesterday launched what Beijing called "the biggest trade war of economic history," with the Reciprocal taxation of billions of dollars.

The US government is seeking to punish China for development tactics that Washington says include the theft of technology or the pressure on foreign companies to deliver them. US authorities are concerned that China's plans to create technological breakthroughs in areas such as robotics, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence are eroding the country's industrial leadership.

Since the first minute yesterday, Washington has imposed tariffs of 25% for goods imported from China valued at $ 34 billion, the first of a series of possible increases that could allocate up to 550 billion dollars of imports from China, more than half of what the Asian country sent to the United States last year

The first round is about Chinese industrial products, not consumer products, in order to limit the impact on US households, but companies that depend on Chinese components or machines will eventually have to

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the China said the "tariffs in but the official newspaper" People's Daily "reported that levies were taxed on a list of goods released last month that included soy, pork and other vehicles. ; elec Soybean farmers are particularly concerned that the price of their product has fallen by 17% in recent months due to the fear of tariffs.

Washington "launched the biggest trade war in economic history". in a statement. During an official visit to Bulgaria, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, the government's second-in-command, assured that "no one would benefit from fighting in a trade war, but China will take steps to deal with unilateral decisions ". Companies are worried that the dispute will slow down the growth of the global economy, but Asian financial markets have reacted calmly to the events of yesterday.

Japan's leading stock index, the Nikkei 225, gained 1.1%, while the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.5% and Hong Kong's Hang Seng 0.5 %.

Trump told reporters Thursday that in two weeks a new hike will be applied to goods imported from China for extra value After that, hostilities could intensify: Trump said that the United States was ready to tax Chinese imports valued at $ 200 billion. additional dollars – and an additional $ 300,000 million – if Beijing does not yield to Washington's demands

This could bring the total of Chinese goods affected to $ 550,000 million, more than the $ 506,000 million exported to the states United States

Russia also yesterday imposed tariffs of between 25% and 40% on a series of US products in response to those adopted by the United States for the importation of aluminum and of Russian steel

. measures affect some road construction machinery, equipment for the petrochemical industry, machinery, metal working tools and for rock drilling, as well as fiber optics ", said the Russian Minister of Economy Maxim Oreshkin in a statement

The measure was passed in response to Washington's decision to impose tariffs of 10% and 25% on imports of certain aluminum products. "Exporters' losses Russian for US tariffs are estimated at $ 537.6 million. The increase of our tariffs at this stage will compensate only part of the losses, some 87.6 million, "said Mr. Oreshkin

amount that Russia can now compensate, according to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

"Remaining countervailing measures may be implemented after three years since the entry into force of United States tariffs", to be completed on 21 March 2021, or in case the WTO would determine The Russian government denounced the US at the WTO on Monday for imposing tariffs, and called for consultations with Washington as part of the settlement system WTO disputes over tariffs ordered by the administration of President Donald Trump to Russian steel and aluminum

Russia is following in the footsteps of the de [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[EuropeanUnionCanadaMexicoChinaIndiaandtheUnitedNorwaythattheyalsodenouncedtheWTOattheWTOfortariffs

The Russian Government, like the other complainants, claims that US tariffs violate the provisions of the 1994 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the Safeguards Agreement

Bilateral talks give the two parties the opportunity to consider the dispute for 60 days and to find a mutually satisfactory solution without having to take another step in the dispute brought before the WTO.

prosper during this 60-day period, Moscow may ask the WTO to set up a dispute settlement group, which the United States can only block once.

At a Glance

Will Affect Mexico

The President of the Business Coordination Council, Juan Pablo Castañón, has assured that the trade dispute between China and the United States will rebound at Mexico, since yesterday the collection of tariffs. 19659003] "regret what happens in the trade disputes between China and the United States, there is an impact for Europe, there is an impact for the markets and Mexican industry and c & rsquo; Is in the negotiation of trading, "he said

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